womens ministry fairview tn
WOMENS ministry fairview tn
amanda gilchrist


It’s my belief that now more than ever, society is attacking our identity and calling as women. We live in a time where the definition of a woman is being questioned, perverted, and even erased completely. It’s my conviction that not only as women, but more importantly – women of GOD, we need to know exactly who we are, whose we are, and what we are uniquely called to do on this earth. We need to feast on the solid food of God’s Word and allow Him to plant His truths deep in our hearts; so as to grow roots and bear fruit in our lives. For as Paul writes in Hebrews 5:12-13, “For everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he [or she] is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” It’s time to get our big-girl-FEASTING pants on, ladies!

It’s my greatest hope and prayer that whether it be through connecting at one of our Saturday morning brunch gatherings, growing spiritually in a book study, or deepening our faith at our Rooted Women’s Conference, we can become a group of women with strong spiritual backbones – ready to withstand the suffering Jesus speaks of in John 16:33, while simultaneously celebrating the beauty of being a daughter of the MOST HIGH GOD AMEN AND AMEN!

Amanda Gilchrist

Womens Director

amanda gilchrist

Amanda Gilchrist

Womens Director

Whether you’re in a season of working full time or raising kids full time (or even both)… whether you’ve got a full house, or an empty house… whether you’re married, divorced, single, or looking to mingle, life can be a bit of a hot mess – can I get an amen?! I’m just over here trying to keep the house *somewhat* clean, teach my kids the ways of Jesus in a world gone mad, drink enough water, answer texts, support a hubby, and keep 4 kids, 3 dogs, and 1 lizard alive! Life. Is. Messy. But it’s also beautiful, and if we allow ourselves to slow down enough, we can see glimpses of God’s perfect Kingdom intersecting with our chaotic mess. And I just gotta tell you - the union is something quite magnificent to behold!

I would LOVE for every OCH woman to grab a copy of Cynthia Yanof’s, Life is Messy God is Good and join a home study at a convenient location near you. Let’s laugh, cry, and grow together as we experience God ministering to our hearts through the writings of Cynthia Yanof. And here’s some really exciting news: our book study will culminate with Cynthia Yanof joining us for our first ever OCH Rooted Women’s Conference in October!

I just know this book will inspire you and impact your life the way it did mine! Let’s let our hair down, take off our “church faces,” and rest in the company of real woman who really want their messy, beautiful lives to really glorify God!

The study starts the first week of September; click HERE to find a convenient home group location for you today!

Email: heather@onechurchhome.com for more information or questions

Click here to purchase book!

Women’s Book study


Cox | 37062 | click here to register
Darby | 37062 | click here to register
Ficken | 37062 | click here to register
Gasparo | 37062 | click here to register
Horner | 37062 | click here to register
McGahey | 37062 | click here to register
Treanor | 37062 | click here to register


Gygi | 37025 | click here to register


Counsell | 37029 | click here to register


Derrick | 37064 | click here to register
Tucker | 37069 | click here to register
Cairnes | 37064 | Click to register


Byrne | 37221 | click here to register


Giffin | 37143 | click here to register
Jenkins | 37143 | click here to register


Anderson | 37082 | click here to register


Lamb | 38401 | click here to register


young adults fairview tn